My interest and experience lie in the area where different stakeholders intersect within an organisation.

It would be wonderful if everyone could feel empowered and safe to express their thoughts and concerns, and truly listen to one another. This open communication could help us reach a consensus on how we want to work together. In this environment, good leadership and good followership can lead to something better.

That is my area of ​​work. That's how I approach and guide it as a confidential advisor, consultant, trainer, mediator, interim HR professional, or supervisor.


Through my years of work at various large companies, I know that change will only occur in small steps.

I can help with that. I quickly identify what's going on and have the courage to tell you in a way that you can work with it.


This is what I can do for you

Member of your board of Supervisors
Specialist in works councils (employee participation)
- Trainer and consultant for the (European) Works Council
- Trainer and consultant for the management

Confidential counselor
- We create policies together
- I serve as an external confidential counselor for your company
- Internal confidential counselors, HR departments, and managers use me as a sparring partner.

Member of a complaints committee
Investigation of undesirable behavior
Sparring partner for you or one of your colleagues
Sparring partner for your HR department; available for consultation remotely
Interim HR assignments

Policies ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) make and implement

I am a 'Portfolio worker.'

This means that I work for different organizations at the same time, in various roles. So, never full-time and with a combination of paid and unpaid work. I do enjoy working with an organization for a longer period, as that's when my added value increases, and I can stay involved from a distance.